Tag Archives: indus water treaty

IndoPak – Water is the Key

24 Jul

Here’s a nice article I found in New York Times which describes one of the core issue between India and Pakistan. Not Kashmir, but Water.

According to the 1960 Indus water treaty, Pakistan is entitled to 80% of water flowing in Indus river, India is however allowed to use some for its own needs of drinking, farming and power generation. Now that India is planning and building several dams over Indus at various parts in Kashmir, particularly Kishenganga Project, Pakistan is worried that India would control the flow of water in Pakistan. India is entitled to create these dams for hydroelectric power generation and can pass of the water easily to Pakistan, however Pakistan is worried that India would now control the timing of passing of river water and indirectly affect the planting and farming of crops in Punjab, the bread basket of Pakistan.

I think India certainly hold a trump card in this issue as an upriver nation it is ought to have right to use its water before passing on to Pakistan. China does this and even smaller nations like Nepal do it to India. Nice way to get some control over Pakistan.